Saturday, November 30, 2019

Traditional vs. Computer Based Training Essay Example

Traditional vs. Computer Based Training Paper Trailing Is situation pacific and audience dependent. It Is driven by the way It Is delivered, and the content being taught. When the decision to conduct trailing Is made, another decision must be made, and that Is how the training will be presented. Should the training be conducted in a more traditional setting using lectures, discussions, demonstrations or a combination of these; or should the training be conducted in a computer-based training environment? While both types of training teach the same thing, everyone learns differently and trainees must decide whether traditional or computer-based training methods work best for them. Traditional Training Methods Traditional methods of training can be divided into two general categories: presentation and hands-on. Presentation is quite simply training methods that present information to trainees. These methods include lectures, discussions and demonstrations and are usually more passive and less interactive. Hands-on methods include games and simulations where the trainee plays a more active role in the training by doing things such as role playing instead of Just listening. Lecture Method Lecture is the most widely used presentation form of training. It can be in print or rail form, and the oral form can be live or presented on video. In most cases all training sessions use some form of lecture and can be presented as the lecturer speaking to the group of trainees or it may take the form of a printed handout or textbook (Blanchard Thacker, 2010). We will write a custom essay sample on Traditional vs. Computer Based Training specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Traditional vs. Computer Based Training specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Traditional vs. Computer Based Training specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Most educators or trainers learn how to teach based on their experiences as students. The teach as I was taught approach tends to turn the lecture Into a passive, one-way method of transferring Information. Lectures are generally described from the instructors point of view, and the students need for Interaction Is not addressed (Sullivan, 1996). An effective lecture Involves students through an Interactive and participatory approach using various teaching techniques which engage the students and connect them to the trainer. A variety of supporting media Is used In the training and there Is Limited note taking required. An Ineffective lecture has the trainer standing at a podium lecturing with no Interaction from the students who quickly lose interest and find it difficult to concentrate. There is no supporting meal Ana ten students are required to take extensive notes. Lectures are most effective when disseminating information quickly to a large umber of people; providing an overview of a topic or arousing interest in a topic or when presenting new information before using other media. A good lecturer will speak clearly and use pauses; structure the lecture to give clear view of the topic; and clarify key points (McGinnis, n. D. ). Lectures are not appropriate when a trainer will be presenting complex and detailed or abstract information; when dealing with information where feelings or attitudes are concerned; and when teaching high level cognitive skills. Poor lecturers have been criticized for not speaking clearly; saying too such too quickly and assuming too much knowledge (McGinnis, n. D. ). Discussion The goal of the discussion method of training is to get students to talk about the contents of the training material. In a discussion, the lecturers role becomes a facilitators role that moderates the discussion instead of lecturing, giving the students a chance to share ideas and information with each other and the class. Getting feedback and ideas from the entire class becomes a positive thing as students are more likely to Join in and add their ideas if everyone are participating. A good discussion gives the students an open-ended problem to solve, a task to complete, a Judgment to reach, a decision to make, or a list to create something that begs for closure. Asking questions is an excellent way to start a discussion as it helps the trainer determine whether the trainees understand the information correctly and help create a common understanding (Blanchard Thacker, 2010). There are several different types of questions that can be used in discussions including open-ended and closed-ended questions, overhead questions, and direct questions. An open-ended question does not require a specific response; there is no right or wrong answer. Open-ended questions encourage the trainees to participate in and contribute to the discussion using a trainees knowledge or feelings. A closed-ended question asks for specific short or one word answer which enables the trainer to assess learning. An overhead question can be open-ended or closed ended questions and are asked to the entire training class, not an individual or one person in particular. Anyone in the group can answer an overhead question making them entertaining. On the other hand, a direct question is asked to a specific trainee, usually one that is not participating in the discussion, in the hopes that they will begin to get involved with the discussion. A direct question will generally elicit information. Effective questioning and interaction are important to the success off discussion. Questioning skills include planning questions in advance, asking a variety of questions and providing positive feedback whenever possible (Sullivan, 1996). Demonstration Method The demonstration method of traditional training is a visual display of how to do something or how something works. To be most effective, a demonstration should be integrated with the lecture/discussion method (Blanchard Thacker, 2010). In an effective demonstration, the trainer breaks the demonstration into smaller parts that easily enumerators DAY ten trainees. As ten demonstration Is snow, ten trainer explains how the different parts come together and relate to each other describing what is being done. The demonstration method has a higher level of involvement than the lecture and discussion methods, thus, more learning occurs. After the demonstration is completed, the trainer could offer the trainees a chance to perform he demonstration so they might better understand the results. Hands on Methods Hands on methods of traditional training include games and simulations as well as role playing. When a trainee actively participates in an activity, they learn quicker, become more interested in the subject, and retain more information. In a game or simulation, one or more trainees are put in a realistic situation, given goals to meet, and they are left to achieve those goals however they see fit. There are various methods of games and simulations including behavior modeling, business games, ease studies, equipment simulators and in basket techniques. Behavior modeling allows trainees to observe others to discover how to do something new. Behavior modeling focuses on developing behavioral and interpersonal skills and is often used for sales training, interviewer training and safety training (Training and Development, 2007). Business games are simulations that attempt to represent the way an industry, company or unit of a company functions. Trainees are provided with information describing a situation and asked to make decisions about what to do (Blanchard Thacker, 2010). Business games are effective because they develop leadership skills and strengthen management skills. They also show trainees how their decisions impact the situation at hand. Case Studies focus on building decision making skills and assess and develop Asks. The case study method emphasizes an approach to see a particular problem rather than a solution. Their solutions are not as important as the understanding of advantages and disadvantages (Training and Development, 2007). Equipment simulators are mechanical equipment identical to that used on a trainees actual Job. Conditions used in the equipment simulator must be identical he conditions under which the trainee works as well. Equipment simulators increase the degree of reliability between the simulation and the work setting. Pilots, military officers and ship navigators are a few occupations that utilize equipment simulators. Using the in basket technique, a trainee is given information about a role they will play and then they are given and in basket of documents and materials and asked to respond to those materials in a certain amount of time. Once complete, the trainer provides feedback on what was done properly and what might need improvement. This method of training develops procedural as well as strategic knowledge and develops communication and interpersonal skills (Training and Development, 2007). Role Play In role play, each trainee is given a role to play. The trainees are given a description of the role and information pertaining to it like responsibilities, concerns and objectives. They receive a description of the problem or situation that faces them and they are asked to act out the roles by interacting with each other. Group decision making and conflict resolution are learned through role playing. Multiple ole play, giggles role play, role rotation Ana spontaneous role play are Deterrent versions of role playing. Computer -Based Training Methods Computer-based training, also known as CB is any instructional course whose primary means of delivery is a computer. It can be delivered too single computer via a software product, over the internet or through a corporate or educational intranet. CB can teach Just about any subject but has grown increasingly popular for computer related studies. CB is different from traditional training because face-to- face interaction with a human trainer is not required. CB may include many different techniques and processes including program instruction, intelligent computer-assisted instruction, intelligent tutoring systems, simulations and virtual reality. CB courseware functions as a reference tool where trainees can choose the topic they wish to train on or as set content where the trainees must take all topics and pass a test in the end. Some advantages of CB are that it is available anywhere, anytime and students move through the training at their own pace. There is no minimum class size with CB so one student or one hundred students can train and he cost will be the same. CB training can be updated quickly, especially with internet courses (Chapel,n. D. ). Another positive aspect of CB is that it appeals to adult learners. The trainee feels in control and is not embarrassed about taking lower level or remedial classes. CB improves Job performance because it trains people in specific skills for their specific Job. CB also gives trainers better control over the training activities taking place. Testing is provided at the end of training helping to match a trainee with other training that he might need. The trainer serves as the facilitator helping trainees when necessary.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Computer And Kids Essays - C, Data Types, Metaprogramming, Ur, Const

Computer And Kids Essays - C, Data Types, Metaprogramming, Ur, Const Computer And Kids #include*stdlib.h* #include*assert.h* #include*iostream.h* #include*apvector.h* template *class itemType* apvector*itemType*::apvector() :mySize(0), myList(0) } template *class itemType* apvector*itemType*::apvector(int size) : mySize(size), myList(new itemType[size]) } template *class itemType* apvector*itemType*::apvector(int size, const itemType & fillValue) : mySize(size), myList(new itemType[size]) int k; for(k = 0; k * size; k++) myList[k] = fillValue; } } template *class itemType* apvector*itemType*::apvector(const apvector*itemType* & vec) : mySize(vec.length()), myList(new itemType[mySize]) int k; for(k = 0; k * mySize; k++) myList[k] = vec.myList[k]; } } template *class itemType* apvector*itemType*::apvector() delete [] myList; } template *class itemType* const apvector*itemType* & apvector*itemType*::operator = (const apvector*itemType* & rhs) if(this != &rhs) delete [] myList; mySize = rhs.length(); myList = new itemType[mySize]; int k; for(k = 0; k * mySize; k++) myList[k] = rhs.myList[k]; } } return *this; } template *class itemType* int apvector*itemType*::length() const return mySize; } template *class itemType* itemType & apvector*itemType*::operator [] (int k) if(k * 0 || mySize *= k) cerr ** Illegal Vector index: ** k ** max index = ; cerr ** (mySize - 1) ** endl; abort(); } return myList[k]; } template *class itemType* const itemType & apvector*itemType*::operator [] (int k) const if (k * 0 || mySize *= k) cerr ** Illegal vector index ** k ** max index = ; cerr ** (mySize - 1) ** endl; abort(); } return myList[k]; } template *class itemType* void apvector*itemType*::resize(int newSize) int k; int numToCopy = newSize * mySize ? newSize : mySize; itemType * newList = new itemType[newSize]; for(k = 0; k * numToCopy; k++) newList[k] = myList[k]; } delete [] myList; mySize = newSize; myList = newList;

Friday, November 22, 2019


Cancer My friend Matt was diagnosed with cancer in May 2002. When Matt 's girlfriend, Amber told me he had cancer, I was shocked when Matt was only 23 years old when he was diagnosed. The type of cancer that mat suffers is called leukemia, or white blood cell cancer. This cancer occurs in the bone marrow, but it may spread to blood, lymph nodes, spleen, liver, central nervous system, and other organs afterwards. Cancer is affected by many people every year, including grandmothers with cancer, and is now one of my close friends. First of all, what does cancer mean? Cancer is not sick. There are various types of cancer, all of which are different. For example, there are common cancers such as breast cancer, colorectal cancer, prostate cancer, skin cancer, pancreatic cancer, liver cancer and the like. There are various kinds of leukemia and blood cancer such as lymphoma. They are different, but there are also some common features. I would like to discuss these common functions. It is li ke talking about professional sports. You can say that football, football, hockey, fencing, and baseball are all different, but in general they all can be thought of together. Despite all the differences, all of this involves some kind of competition and physical skills. Likewise, cancer has many things in common. One of the most cited articles in oncology (cancer research) is the classical Weinberg paper detailing the eight general features. I will explain in detail later. In 2000, cancer biologists Robert Weinberg and Douglas Hanahan announced an article titled The Mark of Cancer. Although they are aware that cancer occurs through a series of mutations occurring in any of a number of genes. Nonetheless, they point to six fundamental changes in cellular physiology of malignant features. According to the American Cancer Society, about 11.4 million Americans had cancer history in 2010. In the United States, the death of one in four people is due to cancer. The mortality rate of males in 2010 was 229.9 people per 100,000 people and the mortality rate of women was 157.8 persons per 100,000 people. The incidence of males is 556.5 persons per 100,000 people, and the incidence of females is 414.8 people per 100,000 people. In the United States, lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer deaths by men and women. (Source: American Cancer Society) As mentioned earlier, most cancers are not affected. The mortality rate of cancer continues to rise. We know that there are many gene mutations in cancer. There is no doubt that the genomic map of cancer proves this. The problem is that you can not find a mutation. There are even different mutations in the same cancer. Despite investing a lot of time, money, and intellectual investment in this new genetic paradigm, we do not see the corresponding benefits. Genetic defects are not the ultimate cause of cancer - they are still only mid-stage and close causes. What we need to know is the reason for causing these mutations. Cancer Recently, cancer incidence in the world has risen. It is currently one of the top ten causes of death in middle-income countries around the world (World Health Organization, 2008). In Singapore, cancer surpasses cardiovascular disease and is the largest death in the past three years (Ministry of Health, 2007). Breast cancer is ranked top of women in Singapore (Health Promotion Council, 2007). Every year thousands of women are diagnosed with breast cancer and about 270 people die each year (Jara - Lazaro et al., 2010). First of all, what does cancer mean? Cancer is not sick. There are various types of cancer, all of which are different. For example, there are common cancers such as breast cancer, colorectal cancer, prostate cancer, skin cancer, pancreatic cancer, liver cancer and the like. There are various kinds of leukemia and blood cancer such as lymphoma. They are different, but there are also some common features. I would like to discuss these common functions. It is like talking about professional sports. You can say that football, football, hockey, fencing, and baseball are all different, but in general they all can be thought of together. Despite all the differences, all of this involves some kind of competition and physical skills. Likewise, cancer has many things in common. One of the most cited articles in oncology (cancer research) is the classical Weinberg paper detailing the eight general features. I will explain in detail later. In 2000, cancer biologists Robert Weinberg and Douglas Hanahan announced an article titled The Mark of Cancer. Although they are aware that cancer occurs through a series of mutations occurring in any of a number of genes. Nonetheless, they point to six fundamental changes in cellular physiology of malignant features. According to the American Cancer Society, about 11.4 million Americans had cancer history in 2010. In the United States, the death of one in four people is due to cancer. The mortality rate of males in 2010 w as 229.9 people per 100,000 people and the mortality rate of women was 157.8 persons per 100,000 people. The incidence of males is 556.5 persons per 100,000 people, and the incidence of females is 414.8 people per 100,000 people. In the United States, lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer deaths by men and women. (Source: American Cancer Society) Cancer Cancer Introduction In the American community, cancer is the most common disease for most people in the United States. Cancer is well known throughout history. In the early 1990s nearly 6 million cancer cases have been reported every year around the world, more than 4 million people have died. The most fatal cancer in the world is lung cancer, which has grown rapidly since the spread of smoking in the country. Stomach cancer is the second major form of cancer in men following lung cancer. First of all, what does cancer mean? Cancer is not sick. There are various types of cancer, all of which are different. For example, there are common cancers such as breast cancer, colorectal cancer, prostate cancer, skin cancer, pancreatic cancer, liver cancer and the like. There are various kinds of leukemia and blood cancer such as lymphoma. They are different, but there are also some common features. I would like to discuss these common functions. It is like talking about professional sports. Yo u can say that football, football, hockey, fencing, and baseball are all different, but in general they all can be thought of together. Despite all the differences, all of this involves some kind of competition and physical skills. Likewise, cancer has many things in common. One of the most cited articles in oncology (cancer research) is the classical Weinberg paper detailing the eight general features. I will explain in detail later. In 2000, cancer biologists Robert Weinberg and Douglas Hanahan announced an article titled The Mark of Cancer. Although they are aware that cancer occurs through a series of mutations occurring in any of a number of genes. Nonetheless, they point to six fundamental changes in cellular physiology of malignant features. According to the American Cancer Society, about 11.4 million Americans had cancer history in 2010. In the United States, the death of one in four people is due to cancer. The mortality rate of males in 2010 was 229.9 people per 100,000 pe ople and the mortality rate of women was 157.8 persons per 100,000 people. The incidence of males is 556.5 persons per 100,000 people, and the incidence of females is 414.8 people per 100,000 people. In the United States, lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer deaths by men and women. (Source: American Cancer Society) Cancer Cancer My friend Matt was diagnosed with cancer in May 2002. When Matt 's girlfriend, Amber told me he had cancer, I was shocked when Matt was only 23 years old when he was diagnosed. The type of cancer that mat suffers is called leukemia, or white blood cell cancer. This cancer occurs in the bone marrow, but it may spread to blood, lymph nodes, spleen, liver, central nervous system, and other organs afterwards. Cancer is affected by many people every year, including grandmothers with cancer, and is now one of my close friends. First of all, what does cancer mean? Cancer is not sick. There are various types of cancer, all of which are different. For example, there are common cancers such as breast cancer, colorectal cancer, prostate cancer, skin cancer, pancreatic cancer, liver cancer and the like. There are various kinds of leukemia and blood cancer such as lymphoma. They are different, but there are also some common features. I would like to discuss these common functions. It is li ke talking about professional sports. You can say that football, football, hockey, fencing, and baseball are all different, but in general they all can be thought of together. Despite all the differences, all of this involves some kind of competition and physical skills. Likewise, cancer has many things in common. One of the most cited articles in oncology (cancer research) is the classical Weinberg paper detailing the eight general features. I will explain in detail later. In 2000, cancer biologists Robert Weinberg and Douglas Hanahan announced an article titled The Mark of Cancer. Although they are aware that cancer occurs through a series of mutations occurring in any of a number of genes. Nonetheless, they point to six fundamental changes in cellular physiology of malignant features. According to the American Cancer Society, about 11.4 million Americans had cancer history in 2010. In the United States, the death of one in four people is due to cancer. The mortality rate of males in 2010 was 229.9 people per 100,000 people and the mortality rate of women was 157.8 persons per 100,000 people. The incidence of males is 556.5 persons per 100,000 people, and the incidence of females is 414.8 people per 100,000 people. In the United States, lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer deaths by men and women. (Source: American Cancer Society) As mentioned earlier, most cancers are not affected. The mortality rate of cancer continues to rise. We know that there are many gene mutations in cancer. There is no doubt that the genomic map of cancer proves this. The problem is that you can not find a mutation. There are even different mutations in the same cancer. Despite investing a lot of time, money, and intellectual investment in this new genetic paradigm, we do not see the corresponding benefits. Genetic defects are not the ultimate cause of cancer - they are still only mid-stage and close causes. What we need to know is the reason for causing these mutations. Cancer Cancer Introduction In the American community, cancer is the most common disease for most people in the United States. Cancer is well known throughout history. In the early 1990s nearly 6 million cancer cases have been reported every year around the world, more than 4 million people have died. The most fatal cancer in the world is lung cancer, which has grown rapidly since the spread of smoking in the country. Stomach cancer is the second major form of cancer in men following lung cancer. First of all, what does cancer mean? Cancer is not sick. There are various types of cancer, all of which are different. For example, there are common cancers such as breast cancer, colorectal cancer, prostate cancer, skin cancer, pancreatic cancer, liver cancer and the like. There are various kinds of leukemia and blood cancer such as lymphoma. They are different, but there are also some common features. I would like to discuss these common functions. It is like talking about professional sports. Yo u can say that football, football, hockey, fencing, and baseball are all different, but in general they all can be thought of together. Despite all the differences, all of this involves some kind of competition and physical skills. Likewise, cancer has many things in common. One of the most cited articles in oncology (cancer research) is the classical Weinberg paper detailing the eight general features. I will explain in detail later. In 2000, cancer biologists Robert Weinberg and Douglas Hanahan announced an article titled The Mark of Cancer. Although they are aware that cancer occurs through a series of mutations occurring in any of a number of genes. Nonetheless, they point to six fundamental changes in cellular physiology of malignant features. According to the American Cancer Society, about 11.4 million Americans had cancer history in 2010. In the United States, the death of one in four people is due to cancer. The mortality rate of males in 2010 was 229.9 people per 100,000 pe ople and the mortality rate of women was 157.8 persons per 100,000 people. The incidence of males is 556.5 persons per 100,000 people, and the incidence of females is 414.8 people per 100,000 people. In the United States, lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer deaths by men and women. (Source: American Cancer Society) Cancer Cancer Introduction In the American community, cancer is the most common disease for most people in the United States. Cancer is well known throughout history. In the early 1990s nearly 6 million cancer cases have been reported every year around the world, more than 4 million people have died. The most fatal cancer in the world is lung cancer, which has grown rapidly since the spread of smoking in the country. Stomach cancer is the second major form of cancer in men following lung cancer. First of all, what does cancer mean? Cancer is not sick. There are various types of cancer, all of which are different. For example, there are common cancers such as breast cancer, colorectal cancer, prostate cancer, skin cancer, pancreatic cancer, liver cancer and the like. There are various kinds of leukemia and blood cancer such as lymphoma. They are different, but there are also some common features. I would like to discuss these common functions. It is like talking about professional sports. Yo u can say that football, football, hockey, fencing, and baseball are all different, but in general they all can be thought of together. Despite all the differences, all of this involves some kind of competition and physical skills. Likewise, cancer has many things in common. One of the most cited articles in oncology (cancer research) is the classical Weinberg paper detailing the eight general features. I will explain in detail later. In 2000, cancer biologists Robert Weinberg and Douglas Hanahan announced an article titled The Mark of Cancer. Although they are aware that cancer occurs through a series of mutations occurring in any of a number of genes. Nonetheless, they point to six fundamental changes in cellular physiology of malignant features. According to the American Cancer Society, about 11.4 million Americans had cancer history in 2010. In the United States, the death of one in four people is due to cancer. The mortality rate of males in 2010 was 229.9 people per 100,000 pe ople and the mortality rate of women was 157.8 persons per 100,000 people. The incidence of males is 556.5 persons per 100,000 people, and the incidence of females is 414.8 people per 100,000 people. In the United States, lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer deaths by men and women. (Source: American Cancer Society) Cancer Cancer Introduction In the American community, cancer is the most common disease for most people in the United States. Cancer is well known throughout history. In the early 1990s nearly 6 million cancer cases have been reported every year around the world, more than 4 million people have died. The most fatal cancer in the world is lung cancer, which has grown rapidly since the spread of smoking in the country. Stomach cancer is the second major form of cancer in men following lung cancer. First of all, what does cancer mean? Cancer is not sick. There are various types of cancer, all of which are different. For example, there are common cancers such as breast cancer, colorectal cancer, prostate cancer, skin cancer, pancreatic cancer, liver cancer and the like. There are various kinds of leukemia and blood cancer such as lymphoma. They are different, but there are also some common features. I would like to discuss these common functions. It is like talking about professional sports. Yo u can say that football, football, hockey, fencing, and baseball are all different, but in general they all can be thought of together. Despite all the differences, all of this involves some kind of competition and physical skills. Likewise, cancer has many things in common. One of the most cited articles in oncology (cancer research) is the classical Weinberg paper detailing the eight general features. I will explain in detail later. In 2000, cancer biologists Robert Weinberg and Douglas Hanahan announced an article titled The Mark of Cancer. Although they are aware that cancer occurs through a series of mutations occurring in any of a number of genes. Nonetheless, they point to six fundamental changes in cellular physiology of malignant features. According to the American Cancer Society, about 11.4 million Americans had cancer history in 2010. In the United States, the death of one in four people is due to cancer. The mortality rate of males in 2010 was 229.9 people per 100,000 pe ople and the mortality rate of women was 157.8 persons per 100,000 people. The incidence of males is 556.5 persons per 100,000 people, and the incidence of females is 414.8 people per 100,000 people. In the United States, lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer deaths by men and women. (Source: American Cancer Society)

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Why was World War One a necessary war for the United States Essay

Why was World War One a necessary war for the United States - Essay Example According to the lecture notes, the WWI was inevitable because â€Å"it protested our trade and alliances as well as stopping a super power from taking over (Lecture notes, October 21, 2013).† Several factors contributed to the inception of WWI, whereby some of them were key and necessary for the USA to join besides protecting their interests in various regions globally as a super power. Germans were the central factors that prompted the inception of the war. Before the WWI, Germany employed diverse ways intended to enhance communism in the USA neighboring regions, which the latter felt there was a launched threat that entailed immediate action. Germany directly attacked USA allies using distractive communists’ movements during that time. USA during then could not stand seeing Germany taking over states where it had invested its interests. For instance, colossal amount of money that the state had parted with to ensure its allies succeeded in subduing their adversaries ( October 23, 2013). This prompted the USA to engage in WWI besides it being a strong anticommunist state that ensured the progress of democracy. This could have degraded the trustworthiness of the US military. According to Mooney, the American government had the obligation to fight and â€Å"†¦.make the world safe for democracy (Mooney, 83).† USA also had in mind how it had gave its allies colossal amount of money. The 2.3 billion cash was very vital for the communities that owed the USA. According to lecture notes, â€Å"allies war debt to American bankers. Ninety nine percent of the money load to Allies, if Allies lose the war, America would not get the money back (lecture notes October 23, 2013). Therefore, WWI could act as a stumbling block in enabling allies to repay what they got from US. According to Mooney, American investors worried they might lose the money loaned to Allies if the Central Powers won the war (Mooney, 80). Under this circumstance, the United Stat e of America found it vital in securing the amounts of money that the allies would release to them by engaging their adversary. The shipping business, which USA during then undertook was also a factor that prompted it to decide waging fierce battle against communists. The United States of America during then was increasingly gaining naval strength, hence trying its best to prevent the entry of some unwanted merchandise into the county, which were basically weapon and military items. They were also using the shipping activities to import and export food items within the country. These actions would hinder the supply of essential commodities to the United States. According to Senator George, â€Å"the enormous profits of munitions manufacturers† during then was to extent US market and other similar networks (Senator George, 4 April 1917).† On the contrary, Germans were trying to block the entry of boats into Britain. This moved the United States of America to wage war aga inst them, which was an apparent reason why the USA resolved to join the WWI in 1917. This is because Germans were interfering with USA’s economic progress as well as security system. Hence, Germans actions being a threat the policy of Franklin Delano, which was to protect security systems of United States of America. During the period of the WWI, there was a quest for power among the nations. Each nation wanted to be the controller in some extent. Therefore, USA being in a position of superpower supported other nations in different ways, which gave them enormous prestige. According to Thomas J. Fleming, US was supplying some of the big powers with ammunition approximating â€Å".40 percent of their war materiel†

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Final Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 7

Final - Essay Example Berkeley looks critically at the notions of having to tell what an object is by looking at its physical appearance and sees it as a way in which we can variably state the existence of an object. Idealism is spread through notions of using common sense to distinguish between perceived objects and the apprehended ones. Thus, the best way to deal with notions of objectivity is by feeling the object either by touch or by the sense of comprehension. The fainter it is the more a person uses the senses of apprehension to get its full understand. The bigger it is, the more one uses touch to identify the nature of the object. He further talks about allusion that external ideas are composed of ideas that tend to show their impact on the way we deal with them. I agree with his idea since we either visualize or apprehend what is seen. There is a need to look at everything objectively in order to check on the possibility of having new ideas on objects we formed suggestions on and get them figured as they are supposed to be. Humes on the other hand brings about the idea of having a close relationship with what one is experiencing to prove that there is nothing as important as having the ability to use ones impressions, experience, ideas and sensations as away of identifying what is existent and what is non-existent. He relies on the use of criticism and reality on proving his critics wrong. He supports his notions using counter-criticisms as a means of winning souls and mind with the same thinking strategy as his. He uses metaphysics as a sign of explaining why he believes in one thing and detests the rest but does not fully explain what is meant by having him resolve the causes and their effects in the real world (Peter, 2006). He is similar to Berkeley and some earlier philosophers in the way he talks of relating what one sees with the impressions created by the mind.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Down Goes Banking Up Comes Problem-Posing Essay Example for Free

Down Goes Banking Up Comes Problem-Posing Essay In the article â€Å"The Banking Concept of Education,† Friere claims that the teacher and student’s relationship is fundamentally narrative in which the students are somewhat being trapped in the system of â€Å"Banking Education†. Freire goes on to say that education is suffering from narrative sickness, which means that information is being repeated constantly to the point where it has no meaning to it or that it is lifeless. â€Å"Students are becoming alienated when learning time is being generated from the teacher,† Friere argues. Students are becoming machine-like-creatures because they are not engaged into the lesson. Friere writes that â€Å"four times four is sixteen†¦The student records, memorizes, and repeats these phrases without perceiving what four times four really means† p.318. Students are too simply just repeating what they are told, but they really do not have an explanation or an understanding as of why the answer is that specific answer. Also the student works on storing the information that they were given, this causes their critical consciousness not to develop at the normal pace. I agree with Freire on this issue. A solution to this issue would be the Jasperian â€Å"split.† Instead of students taking mental notes, they could wright questions in regards to the lesson. For example, if I am writing an essay I would not just being aware of the essay I am writing but also questioning, why I am doing so. Overall I believe that â€Å"The Banking Concept† is rendering our development as students as well as teachers. It has caused many students to not think outside of the box, but to make them become a receptacle to be filled with narrative information passed on from our teachers, Friere explains. Teachers also have grown to become the superior opposite to the absolute ignorance of their students, but just like how the teacher can teach a student, the student can educate the teacher as well. This concept has made much of our generation into the norm. We need to think outside the box and to transform our generation into what we want to become of it.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Bill Gates And The Microsoft Corporation :: essays research papers

Bill Gates - you love him, you hate him, maybe you should get to know him. The founder of the Microsoft has a lot of admirers and we can tell that for sure just by looking at his fortune. There are however people who not only despise him, but dedicate entire web-sites to criticizing him and his company; if you are one of those people you can check out (access will not be granted if you use Microsoft Internet Explorer). Some have even gone as far as throwing pies in his face... It’s an irony that one of the world’s smartest people didn’t even finish college. In 1975 he dropped out of Harvard to form an informal partnership with Paul Allen, â€Å"Micro-soft†; they invested all their time in BASIC, the first computer language program written for a personal computer. It wasn’t until November 1976 that Microsoft became official, when it was registered at the Office of the Secretary of the State of New Mexico, and only in 1977 did the partnership between Bill and Paul Allen become official. That’s also when they deliver their second language product, FORTRAN. In 1978, besides launching a third language, COBOL-80, Microsoft goes international by forming a strategic partnership with the founder of ASCII Corporation in Japan. The following year, the company also enters the European market and wins the ICP Million Dollar Award with the 8080 BASIC. This is an important indicative of the growth and acceptance of the PC industr y. Starting with the early 80s, Microsoft starts expanding the product range from languages to operating systems and its first hardware product, the SoftCard, designed for the Apple II users. The newly incorporated business signs a contract with IBM, the first version of MS-DOS being the primary result. Unfortunately, this operating system wasn’t a very good one, requiring its users a thorough knowledge of command syntax. The company moves into the realm of business with an electronic spreadsheet program, the Multiplan. Also at this time, the Microsoft Local Area Network (MILAN) becomes functional, linking all of Microsoft’s in-house development computers. 1983 is an important year toward the development of a more user-friendly computer. In May the mouse is introduced, in September the Word processing program and in November Windows is announced, an extension of the MS-DOS operating system that provides a graphical operating environment. Windows allows a user to view unrelated application programs simultaneously and it provides the capability to transfer data from one application program to another.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Mobile phones Essay

In this high-tech fast world, undeniably, mobile phones became an inevitable part of everybody’s life without any age limit. Although, it has lots of merits, in my point of view, the intense use of mobile phones among children may be discouraged because of its adverse impacts on them. To begin with, mobile phones have numerous benefits. Presently, it is not merely a simple device, which allows an easy connectivity between people. It is supporting a number of other programs such as calculators, alarm clocks, voice recorder and so on. these programs boost their academic performances, if they use it cleverly. For instance, alarm clocks in mobile phones are useful for them to woke up early in the morning or adjust the time duration to write an essay. The easy accessibility of parents and friends make them comfortable and enable them to meet any emergency or unexpected conditions. Parents also will be much relaxed, as they know their children are safe. On the other hand, these wonderful devices have negative sides also. Most importantly, the radiations from these devices are harmful for their developing brains. Researches proved that, these radiations might lead to cancers. The destruction of studies is another matter of concern. The games in the mobile phones create additions to children. Chatting and telephonic conversations with anonymous people may result in insurmountable impacts to their young minds. These contacts may indulge them in bad company and mafia especially drug and sex, spoil their future. Furthermore, easy connectivity to internet attracts them to unhealthy web sites and their total character may change. Additionally, children can effortlessly cheat their parents by convincing a false. To illustrate, if they are enjoying a television program at his friends home, they can make to believe their parents that they are on the way to their tuition class. To conclude, mobile phones are beneficial devices, if we use it sensibly. Children, as they are not mature to handle it effectively, it may leave drastic disadvantages on them. Hence, I believe that mobile phones are not favorable for children, especially if it is used uncontrolled without proper guidance and time limit.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

An Overview of Population Growth in Vietnam and New Zealand

TOPIC: Compare and contrast population growth rates in Vietnam and New Zealand since 2000s and give reasons for the similarities or differences. What effects have these changes had on the economies and societies of the two countries ? Essay: Population growth rate is the increase in a country’s population during a period of time, usually one year, expressed as a percentage of the population at the start of that period. Each country in the world has different rates based on the number of births, deaths during the period and the number of immigrants, emigrants.In this essay, I would make some comparison and contrast of population growth rates between Vietnam and New Zealand since 2000s as well as give reasons for rise or decline in population. Besides that, population growth has effects on the economy and society of two countries will be discussed. There are differences in the population growth in Vietnam and New Zealand. Overall, the rates look dissimilar in two countries. It i s evident from both graphs about the population growth rate in New Zealand and Vietnam of CIA World Factbook, New Zealand is the country with low population growth rate while Vietnam has high population growth rate.As can be seen from the graph of New Zealand (CIA World Factbook) , the rate fluctuated mildly. The highest rate in 2000 reached 1. 17% whereas the lowest one in 2011 accounted for 0. 88%. Between 2000 and 2007 the population growth rate dropped steadily from 1. 17% to 0. 95% then rose slightly to 0. 97% in 2008. From 2008 to 2011, it declined gradually to 0. 88%. It is noticeable from the graph of Vietnam (CIA World Factbook), the population growth rate fluctuated widely. The highest rate in 2000 made up 1. 49 but the lowest one stood at 0. 98% in 2009.From 2000 to 2003, the number of population growth has a sharp fall from 1. 49% to 1. 29% then increased slightly to 1. 3% in 2004. Between 2004 and 2009 the rate dropped dramatically to 0. 98% afterward had a minimal rise to 1. 1% in 2010. Then it went down gradually to 1. 08% by 2011. Similarly, both the population growth rates in Vietnam and New Zealand declined in some periods, 2000-2007, 2008-2009, 2010-2011. However, a comparison of population growth rates in two countries reveals several similarities but the great deal number of differences.In stages 2003-2004 and 2009-2010, while the number of population growth increased in Vietnam, it decreased in New Zealand. From 2007 to 2008, the population growth rate went up in New Zealand whereas went down in Vietnam. Second, the reason for the rise or the decline in population in New Zealand is completely different from that in Vietnam. While the main reasons in New Zealand are emigration and low birth rate, in Vietnam those are high population structure and low awareness of women living in rural areas. The main reason to explain the decrease in population in New Zealand is emigration.According to the ABS and Statistics New Zealand, it is estimated ab out 14% New Zealanders emigrate to other countries each year. Of these, over three-fourths emigrate to Australia. Other communities of New Zealanders abroad are concentrated in other English-speaking countries, specifically the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada, with smaller numbers located elsewhere. The low birth rates also affect the decrease in population in New Zealand. As professor Natalie Jackson from Waikato University’s National Institute of Demographic and Economic Analysis mentioned New Zealanders' birth rates have declined over the past several decades.People are living longer because of increased access to immunization, primary health care and disease eradication programs. Many parents are realizing that as health conditions improve, more of their children are likely to survive, so they are choosing to have fewer babies. In addition, with greater access to education and jobs, more women in New Zealand are starting their families later and are having fe wer, healthier children (Study to find solutions to population decline, www. waikato. ac. nz). It is said that Vietnam is the third most densely populated country in Southeast Asia behind Singapore and Philippines.The main argument to explain the rise in population in Vietnam is high population structure. According to UN's article in Vietnam, the population growth rate in Vietnam went down recently because the country has experienced a decrease in the total fertility rate. Even when the total fertility drops below replacement level, the absolute number of people will continue to increase due to population momentum . The continued population growth is the legacy of earlier years of high fertility rates and cannot be avoided.So each year population in Vietnam increased reaching an average of one million people (Vietnam’s population keeps growing despite decrease in total fertility rate, http://www. un. org. vn). Another convincing reason is low awareness of women living rural a reas. There were 60,410,101 people (70. 4% total population of the country) living in rural areas. Of these, three-fourth women especially in high land central provinces married before the age of 20, with a woman on an average bearing four or more than four children.However, later the legal marriage age for women was set at 22 but this law met serious opposition in those areas. As the Vietnamese believed in â€Å"falling in love early and getting married early† (Vietnam Population, http://www. asiarooms. com). Changes in population have both positive and negative impacts on the society and economy. In Vietnam, increased population growth generally represents problems for country- it means increased need for food, infrastructure, services, jobs†¦In addition, the population growth also provides a huge amount of labor force, the potential for rapid economic development is certainly there (Population Growth  Rates, www. geography. about. com). In contrast, New Zealand's go vernment is facing a considerable loss of gray matter because of emigration. Nearly one quarter of New Zealand's highly-skilled workers live overseas, mostly in Australia and Britain, more than any other developed nation. That will cause a serious damage on its economy (Demographics of New Zealand, http://en. wikipedia. org).In conclusion, population growth rate varies from country to country. Even though Vietnam and New Zealand seem similar in many features of population growth rates since 2000s, the causes of declining or increasing population and the effects on economy and society of two countries are totally different. Besides that, Vietnam's government should have strict population policies, education programs for women to control population growth and New Zealand's is expected to have more investments to prevent skillful workers from emigrating as well as improve the birth rates.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Essay on President Obama

Essay on President Obama Essay on President Obama Tobacco Use: (If you never use tobacco enter a score of 10 for this section and go to the next section) | | |Almost Always |Sometimes |Never | |1 |I avoid smoking tobacco. |2 |1 |0 | |2 |I avoid using a pipe or cigars. |2 |1 |0 | |3 |I avoid spit tobacco. |2 |1 |0 | |4 |I limit my exposure to environmental tobacco smoke |2 |1 |0 | | | | |Total: |10 | Alcohol and Other Drugs: | | |Almost Always |Sometimes |Never | |1 |I avoid alcohol or I drink no more than 1 (women) or 2 (men) drinks a day. |{4} |1 |0 | |2 |I avoid using alcohol or other drugs as a way of handling stressful situations or |{2} |1 |0 | | |problems in my life. | | | | |3 |I am careful not to drink alcohol when taking medications, such as for colds or |{2} |1 |0 | | |allergies, or when pregnant | | | | |4 |I read and follow the label directions when using prescribed and over-the-counter |{2} |1 |0 | | |drugs | | | | | | | |Total: |10 | Nutrition: | | |Almost Always |Sometimes |Never | |1 |I eat a variety of foods each day, including seven or more servings of fruits and |3 |{1} |0 | | |vegetables. | | | | |2 |I limit the amount of total fat and saturated and trans fat in my diet. |{3} |1 |0 | |3 |I avoid skipping meals |{2} |1 |0 | |4 |I limit the amount of salt and added sugar I eat |2 |{1} |0 | | | | |Total: |7 | Exercise/Fitness: | | |Almost Always |Sometimes |Never | |1 |I engage in moderate exercise for 20-60 minutes, 3-5 times a week |4 |{1} |0 | |2 |I maintain a healthy weight, avoiding overweight and underweight |2 |1 |{0} | |3 |I do exercises to develop muscular strength and endurance at least twice a week |2 |{1} |0 | |4 |I spend some of my

Monday, November 4, 2019

Description of the Film Separation by Asghar Farhadi Assignment - 1

Description of the Film Separation by Asghar Farhadi - Assignment Example This provides the basis for the conflict within the movie. The characters in the movie are believable and have been developed effectively to depict the setting and themes of the story. The producer manages to use a mix of innocence, temperament, wisdom, and naivety among the characters to bring out the story. Within the conflict between Nader and Simin, the director manages to bring in a different perspective by introducing the innocence of their daughter Termeh. The judges of the family court are presented through the story as wise and prudent. This is evident from both cases involving the divorce filed by the warring family. In the first instance, they rebuffed the claims of Simin by insisting that the complications were insufficient. However, they finally warrant the divorce after analyzing the situation and the irreconcilable differences. The producer holds off Nader’s temper until the point where he boiled over. Symbolism has been used in the movies to great effect. The title of the movies, A Separation, is the main symbol used throughout the movie. The separation that was intended to be away from Tehran eventually turns into one between Simin and Nader as the story concludes. Other instances of separation within the movie include Razieh separating from the traditions in order to be able to provide for her family. Terhem is initially separated from her mother then later by her father. The other elements of separation within the story include Nader father’s death and the miscarriage. The separation, which was disclosed at the beginning of the story in the divorce case, was also a consequence of another attempt to separate from the environment in Teheran. There is an array of thought provoking themes that are presented in the movie A Separation. Social division is the major theme that is explored in the movie. The divisions within the movie have been perpetrated using perceptions around religion, occupation, gender, and age.  Ã‚  

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Practical proposal about ATM fraud Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Practical proposal about ATM fraud - Essay Example Smart phones can be used to make withdrawals and payments in retail stores instead of credit cards. This will protect the PIN numbers and other personal information. According to Abagnale, the use of smart phones will not apply universally as this will require one to become an expert of some electronic gadget, a task that is not so easy. However, technology is just part of the inevitable change that happens as we become more civilized. The same way people got training on computers, is the same way they can get training on use of these efficient gadgets (Abagnale, 108). The investment is actually worthwhile for varied reasons. First, it is impossible to record the PIN as done on an ATM. Secondly; the same smart phone can be used to keep track of one’s expenses as it records when and where the transaction was made. This information can also be accessed through emails. Also, some of these gadgets are so advanced that they also utilize the use of genes and fingerprints. A good example in this case is the use of gene coding in most bank vaults which has proved to be safer over the